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Takeover activities

Corporate takeover activity, in other words that is the merger and acquisition (M&A) activity that has increased mainly since the mid of-1960s (Ginblatt & Titman, p 692). M&A has been, and likely always will be a main power in the modern financial and economic society. Almost every person in society is indirectly or directly affected by this activity, either by working for a firm that is involved in a M&A transaction, or by purchasing goods or services from a firm that is.
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Lord Chancellor appoints

The selection process for High Court judges involve, the Lord Chancellor's department gathering information about potential candidates over a period of time, by making informal inquiries from leading barristers and judges. This is known as the "secret soundings system! At the moment advertisements are being placed for junior judges and High Court judges. However, before this, there were no advertisements for judicial office. You simply had to wait to be invited to the post.